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Thursday, March 31, 2011 - Learning HTML Essential Training

                              - Learning HTML Essential Training
                                    Author: Bill Weinman | Duration: 02:57 | Level: Beginner
                                                      Genre: Video Training | 108 MB

Whether you use a web authoring system or write HTML by hand, you need to know how HTML works. HTML Essential Training is designed to help you understand HTML, its strengths and weaknesses, and how to identify and fix problems in a web page.

More than just an HTML tutorial, HTML Essential Training covers the how and the why of HTML documents, including document structure, block and inline level tags, floating images, controlling white space, phrase and font markup, and much more! From setting up a simple web page to adding CSS style sheets and javascript rollovers, HTML Essential Training gives you the skills you need to take control of your HTML. 

                                                                    Download Link:

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